Custom Pacific Rim Wiki

This article was written by Tommasoguidetti. Please do not edit the article without the creator's permission.

(This article was originally created by @Buildjaegersfans, but I found this page between the Stubs without many information. This article was CREATED by him, and I WROTE most it.)

Blindreaper is a Category 4 Kaiju who attacked Thailand in 2038 and was killed by Challenger Rex.


The Kaiju codenamed Blindreaper, emerged from the Indian Breach after the day of New Year's Eve in 2038.

The Kaiju began worryingly heading towards Thailand, and before anyone could react, it reaced Phuket City Miracle Mile and destroyed several miltary ship. This is why the Jeagers Challenger Rex and Orion Victor were deployed from the Phuket Shatterdome to defend the coastline. Arriving in sight of the enemies, Blindreaper attacks Orion Victor first and, despite the blows suffered, managed to overwhelm the opponent and severely damage him with its claws and teeth ,and pushing him towards the port, it crushed him against the buildings, ready to destroy the Jaeger.

In the meantime, however, Challenger Rex, using his companion as a distraction,and taking advantage of the distraction of this, he managed to sneak behind the Kaiju, and with a precise sword attack cut its head in half, killing him instantly and saving the other Jeager from an almost certain destruction.


To be a category IV, Blindreaper is quite slender and light (being far lighter than any other Cat IV and many Cat III), this guarantees it a good agility and freedom of movement but aparently not a very good speed. Despite the apparent frailty, it managed to withstand heavy and direct attacks of a Jeager to get to hand-to-hand combat. Once it got close enough, Blindreaper quickly managed to get rid of a mark III Jeager, demonstrating great physical strength.

Blindreaper also demonstrated a peculiar cunning, being capable of understanding the importance of the buildings of the port during the fight with Orion Victor.

Blindreaper's main weapons are its two prominent claws (one in each hand), capable of ripping pieces of Jeager without any problems. In combat, the Kaiju has also used its strong jaws to bite through enemy armor.

Despite not having been seen in combat, the long arms are likely to allow Blindreaper to run on all fours to increase speed and stability.

Blindreaper's eyes are positioned on the front of the face, this does not help the Kaiju to avoid any encirclement but help it to ser its prey from very long distance, also underwater.
